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Tchaikowsky's beloved Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy may never sound the same to you again once you've experienced Phillips' ensemble of antique hand drill, mandolin, anvil, t-square, level and pipes. Never before have your ears experienced the the exquisite marimba-like 2x4's in Jingle Bells the majestic table saw duet in Joy to the World the sensitive counterpoint provided by the power planer in I Saw Three Ships the filigreed ornamentation of the clanking pipes in We Wish You a Merry Christmas the uniquely persuasive percussion of the pneumatic nailer in Patapan the panoply of hand and power tools in The Twelve Days of Christmas - listen and you'll know you're in a new and extraordinary realm of holiday music.

True, Beethoven gave us the 'Hammer (klavier) Sonata' - but Phillips has dared to explore the full range of the workbench's symphonic palette. On this disc you will discover familiar seasonal favorites such as ‘Unto us a boy is born’ and ‘It came upon the midnight clear’ but we have also included some less well-known gems like ‘Cherry Tree Carol’ and ‘Gloucestershire Wassail’.Ī Toolbox Christmas marks Woody Phillips' breathtaking debut into a world of repertoire and instrumentation only dreamed of by composers who have gone before him. There is such an abundance of festive music available to us that sometimes one wishes Christmas did not come but once a year! The Sixteen’s first volume of traditional Christmas carols contains some of our most favorite pieces but there is so much more wonderful festive music that deserves to be better known. Everyone have a wonderful holiday and a fantastic New Year!įrom "A Traditional Christmas Carol Collection, Vol. We have also included a special sneak peak to Agustin Hadelich's new album, "Echoes of Paris"! We hope you enjoy the music.

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In this episode we wanted to celebrate the upcoming holidays with a few of our favorite pieces.

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